P = nilai gray yang digunakan sbg pusat pengontrasan ( untuk menyederhanakan kedinamisan P, maka P=nilai rata-rata gray )
KP = Koefisien Penguatan/kontras
okkke langsung aja kita bikin programnya, tetep pake vb 6.0 yyaa ..
letakkan objek2 sperti gambar dbawah ini ,
untuk Picture1 nya bisa diisi gambar apa aja sesuai keinginan kita.
Lalu yang penting untuk properties Form, Picture1 dan Picture2 autoredraw dan autoresize nya diubah bernilai true agar picture tersebut otomatis menyesuaikan dengan gambarnya. dan ScaleMode nya diganti 3 – Pixel. untuk lebih jelasnya liat gambar dibawah iniii :![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiS1WWbdFYt_ncbmHYhYSATMcT8TLutKbiAVQn8MXbteGqLczDNHCLHXJyCrnXW88vmbqMV9x9AJQKKjILhk0HJ_wVhaLkoMgreew0kNFdDKmkVQ-IbKjL5FaDbYoH6pxcOZHOlbfNiZ2c/s400/3.png)
lalu tuliskan code berikut inii :
Dim DataR() As Integer, DataB() As Integer, DataG() As Integer
Dim KP As Integer
Sub Contrast()
Dim Tinggi As Integer, Lebar As Integer
Dim Red As Integer, Green As Integer, Blue As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer, grey As Integer
Dim Tot_Pix As Long
'========= Mendapatkan Tinggi dan Lebar Citra =====
Tinggi = Picture1.ScaleHeight
Lebar = Picture1.ScaleWidth
'=== PEMESANAN Array Pada Data R,G,B ====
ReDim DataR(Lebar, Tinggi) As Integer '(baris,kolom)
ReDim DataG(Lebar, Tinggi) As Integer '(baris,kolom)
ReDim DataB(Lebar, Tinggi) As Integer '(baris,kolom)
'====Agar Picture 2 Lebar dan tingginya sama dengan Picture 1====
With Picture2
.Height = Tinggi
.Width = Lebar
End With
'==== PROSES PENGAMBILAN CITRA ====================
For X = 0 To Lebar - 1 'kolom
For Y = 0 To Tinggi - 1 'Baris
'===== Get Total Pixel =======
Tot_Pix = Picture1.Point(X, Y)
'===== Get Red, Green, Blue ==
Red = Tot_Pix And 255
'Rekam red
DataR(X, Y) = Red
Tot_Pix = Tot_Pix / 256
Green = Tot_Pix And 255
'Rekam green
DataG(X, Y) = Green
Tot_Pix = Tot_Pix / 256
Blue = Tot_Pix And 255
'Rekam Blue
DataB(X, Y) = Blue
'==========Proses Contrast=================
grey = Int((Red + Green + Blue) / 3)
Redbaru = KP * (Red - grey) + grey
Greenbaru = KP * (Green - grey) + grey
Bluebaru = KP * (Blue - grey) + grey
If (Redbaru > 255) Then Redbaru = 255
If (Redbaru < 0) Then Redbaru = 0
If (Greenbaru > 255) Then Greenbaru = 255
If (Greenbaru < 0) Then Greenbaru = 0
If (Bluebaru > 255) Then Bluebaru = 255
If (Bluebaru < 0) Then Bluebaru = 0
'====Menampilkan citra=================================
Picture2.PSet (X, Y), RGB(Redbaru, Greenbaru, Bluebaru)
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Change()
KP = HScroll1.Value
Label1.Caption = KP
End Sub
kalo di-run hasilnya akan jadi kayak giniii ni :
okee selamat mencoba
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